Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pooping to glory

This post is a preemptive response to a blog my wife hasn't written yet.


My kid has a lot of interest in his potty. 

Accordingly, my wife is highly invested in his using it. You can't blame her, can you?

So, for a few days, my wife was listening to his sounds and  watching his actions. And when he seemed interested in pooping, gesturing toward his diaper or reaching for his potty, she was on hand to help him with his diaper and pants. And for a day or two, he was sliding a few bullets into the chamber pot, to coin a phrase.

She called me at work. We were very excited.

Then things got bad. Like they always do.

He realized that pointing at his diaper and grabbing for the potty was a surefire way to get his pants and diaper removed. Then, while mommy's hands were full, he was off! Naked!

For this story to make sense, you have to realize that babies love to be naked.

What do you do? Refuse to let him practice using his potty like a big boy? So pooping is just another way for him to manipulate us. Parent at your own risk.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that our potty training strategy involves him running around bare-bottomed. He has already pee'd on the special play rug we bought him. I'll be rolling it up tonight and putting it away for a while.
